Kingdom Death Dragon King lava base

I've wanted to redo the base for my Dragon King for a while and finally got around to it. The original is Here and wasn't very inspired, just a few stone faces. This one was fairly straight forward, just some cork board cut to fit conveniently beneath him and then some plastic beads cut in half for bubbles. I added a bit of water effects to smooth out the base and the seams between the beads and the base. I think because of the cork and maybe adding it too fast, there are some cracks and air pockets along the side of the cork where it meets the lava. This wasn't deliberate but actually makes it look more dynamic like the rock is tearing away. Then it was just some airbrushing up from dark red to white on the lava bubbles. I also generally do my stone colouring a shade lighter but wanted this to be more basalt like so I kept it dark.


  1. That is a beautiful mini! The base is better, but I think your photography skills have also improved significantly.

    1. Hey thanks! I have a new overhead light for painting that helps for this big models, and for smaller ones I picked up a cheap light box for 10 bucks. I switched from an old camera to an iphone as well so I'm glad you noticed a change in the photography!


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