Kingdom Death - Spidicules

I'm nearing the end off my hobby backlog, so might not have much going for the next while. Hopefully Kingdom Death Wave3/4 doesn't take until 2020!  Anyway, here's my painted up Spidicules. I spent quite a long time looking at photos and trying to come up with a way to paint it, and settled on something really simple. I had leftover high gloss black paint from my Dung Beetle Knight and decided that would be the easiest way to mimic a black widow. A few coats and it was done! The details were fairly straight forward at that point. I was worried that the dangly corpse would break off, and was proven correct once I started painting the face, so I fixed it with magnets. I tried using it last weekend for the first time ever, and it's way too complicated to use in a game (it's huge and you can't stand beneath it) so it likely won't ever leave the shelf, thus rendering the magnetizing pointless haha. Anyway a I really like the model! Super unique. Enjoy some photos.


  1. And now I'm going to have nightmares. Awesome job!

  2. Simple yet effective. I'm not familiar with how this game plays but it is a shame that it won't see any use.

    1. I'm torn on it really. On one hand it stays in the case, but on the other, it's a really unique model that wouldn't have been possible if it were more 'table friendly'. In Kingdom Death, the player's models need to move around the board to fight the monster. On the spider, the game mechanics allow you to go beneath it as you can only attack the body. With both the players, and the monster moving around (and the intervening terrain) it's too fidgety with the legs and dangly bits all over and you just bump everything any time someone moves something. Oh well! I guess he did get to be on the table last week for that 1 time. But that's it :)


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