The Emerald Fists
Note: clicking photo captions will link to more images of the unit
The origins of the Emerald Fists are unknown; however records of their deeds can be traced back as far as M35 near the Eye of Terror. The Fists have functioned as a fleet based chapter as far back as records are available. They specialise in siege warfare and prefer frontal assaults to more subtle methods of war holding strength, fortitude and resolve as the three pillars of their training.

The Inquisition has not yet branded the chapter traitor as the wheels of Terra are ever slow to move especially with conflicting stories. Many in the Inquisition have their own thoughts on the matter. The following communique was transmitted shortly after the Fernixa incident:
Inquisitor Hornel, I have been attempting to investigate the Emerald Fist chapter for the last decade. My findings are inconclusive however I believe that the Fist's gene-seed was corrupted sometime in the 8th century M41 with a carrier strain of the Destroyer Plague. I believe this strain remained idle and corrupted the chapter from within and was masked from all who saught to expunge the taint of chaos from the Astartes. Slowly as the chapter replenished battlefield loses more and more marines were inducted and transformed with infected progenoid gland. Whether this initial infection occurred during fleet based action near the eye, or from indiscriminate recruitment following the battle of Invus where the chapter suffered near catastrophic loses I can't be certain. It appears that the chapter is completely infected and the virus has begun to mutate to its original form. With the souls of its victims now corrupt it has moved on to the flesh. I have seen horrible things, the Emerald Fists fight alongside warp spawn and wade through pestilent environs with impunity.
***end transmission***
The following was recorded on the Truvort IV planetary governor's palace wall in 917.M41:
During the darkest days of the coldest Winter when our world was besieged by xenos spawned from the deepest depths of the void the Emerald Fists descended. Like a god-wielded hammer they smashed the xenos threat into oblivion. They asked for nothing and left without a trace. We are forever indebted.
The Schism of the Fists
The motivations which sowed the seeds of the Schism of the Fists were known only to Chief Apothecary Sextus Roscius, whom has long since transcended his mortal existence. The following details the compiled records pieced together following the Schism.
Some time in early 800M41 Roscius began tampering with the Emerald Fist geneseed; making minor alterations which lay dormant and unknown to any within the chapter. Gradually, as the crusading fleet suffered battle losses, the corrupted geneseed was implanted into new recruits and their training was enacted as it had been for 5 millennia. For nearly 100 years the chapter continued its campaign around the eye of terror persecuting whatever mission chapter command had ordered and slowly the composition of the chapter swelled with battle brothers host to a dormant corruption.
In 898M41, acting on intel suggesting a potentially massive incursion from the eye of terror, fully one half of the Emerald Fists were dispatched to meet this building threat. The 5th, 6th, 7th and portions of the 1st, 2nd, 9th and 10th along with Roscius travelled at speed through the warp to reach their target. During the journey the fleet became stalled within a savage warp storm and a plague of immeasurable horror was spread throughout the fleet. Escorts, strike cruisers and the battle barge Intangible Force were enveloped one by one. At this moment the truth of the introduced gene flaw became apparent; the Emerald Fists knew fear. As the plague ravaged the crew and space marine alike, the marines with the corrupt geneseed felt anathema to the thought of rotting a slow and painful death. Apothecary Roscius spread word that his battle brothers could protect themselves from the plague by cutting a three ringed mark on their chest. The veteran marines knew this for what it was and steeled themselves against this threat for no true son of Dorn would cower before hand of death. The marines carrying the corrupted gene seed however saw the result of the plague before them and their iron resolve crumbled. In scores they followed Roscius’ instructions as did most of the Imperial crews. The veteran marines moved to take Roscius but the plague had ravaged their strength and those marines now loyal to Roscius rushed to his aid. The plague slowly and mercilessly destroyed the bodies and minds of the veterans as the traitors held them at bay.
Witnessing these events from the bridge of the Dawn Imperitus and piecing together reports from the veterans aboard other ships in the fleet, veteran sergeant Titus Latinius of 1st company, 4th assault squad gave the order to disengage. Guided by the Emperor’s light the chief navigator aboard the strike cruiser managed to escape the warp storm and bring word of the treachery to chapter command.
Over the next 5 years as the chapter’s chaplains and apothecaries unearthed the depth of the corruption and nearly half of the remaining loyal marines were purged for the good of the chapter. Chapter master Gneaus Claudius swore vengeance and set the chapter about its last crusade, to bring the traitor fists to heel. This event would be forever recorded as the Schism of the Fists within chapter records however no word of this would be spoken to the Imperium.
The crusade fleet, now cleansed of the pure geneseed bearing marines was under Roscius’ control. He now controlled nearly one half of the chapter’s strength; materiel and men.
As reward for his patient deceit and the corruption of a chapter he was elevated to daemonhood. Roscius, Daemon Prince of Nurgle now directs the tainted marines through the warp, targeting systems seemingly at random to further the goals of his master. Though he cannot lead his fleet through realspace his captains are more than capable of enacting his will and summoning him should the barrier between the realms be weakened.
Mamom, Daemon Prince of Nurgle - click for more images |
The motivations which sowed the seeds of the Schism of the Fists were known only to Chief Apothecary Sextus Roscius, whom has long since transcended his mortal existence. The following details the compiled records pieced together following the Schism.
Chapter master Gneaus Claudius |
Gneaus Cladius has been chapter master of the Emerald Fists for over 300 years and predates the Schism of the Fists. Upon hearing of these treacherous events Cladius swore vengeance and set about the largest crusade in chapter history. Seeing the Schism as a personal failing as the chapter was slowly corrupted under his command, Cladius vowed to see the death of the apostate elements of his chapter. Under his orders the chapter now engages in battles solely to see Roscius' band ground to dust and have chased the traitors for over a century. While seeing the renegades perish is of utmost importance he has cautiously rebuilt the chapter from near oblivion. While still depleated, he has strengthened the chapter from a low of just over two companies to nearly 500 astartes during the ongoing crusade.
Squad Tiberius |
"May the Emperor guide us" he intoned through his helmet. With an actinic flare the squad materialised at the foot of the emplaced guns. As the smell of ozone melded with spent prometheum the terminators were already firing. With steady assured footsteps Tiberius and his battle brothers marched toward an enemy terminator squad. Storm bolters barked on both sides and as the storm of shells reached a crescendo, two unyielding forces collided in a brutal melee. The traitors, armed with fierce force swords landed blow after blow; yet the Emperor would protect. With unerring certainty the Emerald Fists crushed their mirrors beneath their glowing emerald power fists. Tiberius had singled out the enemy leader, his tainted battle honours charred and billowing in the wind.
"I will purge this world of your taint" Tiberius issued the challenge in a measured tone seemingly unsuited for the maelstrom of battle. His foe turned, fresh blood undoubtedly sacrificial in nature, dripped from his gorget. As the enemy champion rushed toward him, Tiberius spun on his heal unleashing a whirlwind chop of his power axe. Completing his turn, the sergeant and his squad prepared to storm the battlements, paying little attention to those they had silenced.
The antiair batteries lowered and began to track the terminators. In their tactical dreadnought armour they did not have speed but for what they lacked they made up in near-invulnerability. With their own storm bolters lending covering fire the squad made for the reinforced ferrocrete barricades and shouldered through them. Brother Amos was held up in the rubble and was immediately targeted. Round after round of bolter fire hammered his chest until it cracked and he slumped forward.
Master Librarian |
**Sergeant, the traitor warlord has overrun our staging area** A human voice cracked over the vox. The tone conveyed the practised orders of an Imperial Guard commander yet Tiberius could detect the subtle tremble of fear in his words.
"Korvex, turn the gun on Regiment command." With a groan the quad gun rotated toward the impromptu command post which had been set up to besiege the enemy strong point now held by Tiberius.
"Tracking one target; firing". Without hesitation Korvex unleashed a salvo of autocannon shells. Seconds later a pink mist could be seen in the distance through Tiberius' autosenses.
"Commander, have your units secure the stronghold". Tiberius spoke no further words to the Imperial Guard in the Oburo valley and returned to where Brother Amos had fallen.
"You honour us Brother" he whispered as he clasped a small golden eagle.
A flash of light erupted enveloping the slain marine and his battle brothers. As quickly as the blinding light had appeared, it was gone along with Squad Tiberius.
3rd Company
Captain Marcus Galba, 3rd Company |
3rd Squad
Squad Prontus |
7th Squad
10th Squad
Rhinos 1 and 2 |
Glipse of Rot
Squad Villius |
Before he could take a second step he heard a rasping, wheezing sound and spun on his heel into a ready position facing the noise. His former brother began to rise, limping toward him. The marine took 2 bolter shells to the torso as the magazine ran dry; it closed the distance but showed no outward sign of the impact save for the smell of burnt flesh. As Atius brought his mono-filament combat blade up into a defensive position the blade began to disintegrate in his hand. He looked on in disgust and charged. The abomination welcomed the charge with open arms and closed its embrace.
Squad Cronus |
Atius struggled to rip free of the embrace but his strikes were weak. He felt himself thrown to the side. Splinters of ceramite pierced his flesh as he struck the bulkhead with his spine and slumped to the ground. Atius managed to right himself but a knee impacted his side sending him to his back once more. As the ceramite-encased plague straddled him he knew he would soon be with the Emperor.
"Perhaps not all are meant to walk the true path" the plague marine spit as he tore Atius' helm from its mountings.
Atius' eyes widened and he managed a last breath through ever withering flesh. "Tratior".
The plague marine stood leaving the dessicated husk of Brother Atius to its final resting place and stepped into the elevator.
Squad Proteus |
Lords of Rot
Lord Kurnex - |
Lord Rothos |
Morteus, Emerald Fist Sorcerer of Nurgle |
Kor Ikthon, Dark Apostle |
Plague Terminators |
Daemonic Assault
Herald of Nurgle |
Plague Toads |
Fallen Armory
Defiler |
A vast majority of the traitor armoury is comprised of relics stolen during the Schism. These machines are kept fighting by the warband's warp smiths and supplemented with new and horrifying creations touched by the warp.
Hover Rhino |
The Mark IA Hover Rhino was created near the end of the Great Crusade by applying anti-grav technology discovered by Arkhan Land; a technology more common to the Land Speeder which bears his name. The Hover Rhino did not enter widespread service due to problems with the reliability of its engines. For a vehicle whose prominence was owed partly to its machine spirit's resilience, the However Rhino's inability to match its predecessor's stubbornness was its ultimate downfall. Although prone to breakdown, its unique design allowed it to reach greater speeds and traverse terrain not approachable by typical APCs. This reason, paired with limited production numbers, saw the Hover Rhino issued primarily to command squads among the legions.
The relic shown here was passed from the Imperial Fists to the Emerald Fists at their founding and was looted by traitor forces during the Schism of the Fists. The temperamental machine spirit renowned among these vehicles has been appeased by the warband's warp smiths through undoubtedly unconventional means.
Blight Drones
Blight Drone spotten on Kuren Prime 981M41 |
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