Here's my last painted mini of 2011. A Contemptor Dreadnought for my Adeptus Custodes army. The gold was GW shining gold with liberal gryphonne wash, then drybrushed with the shining gold, then mythril silver. I think it turned out pretty good for a simple process. I magnetized the arms and have a close combat weapon that I can add later once I paint it. I was a bit worried this guy would turn out too gold but I like it. I don't think I'd ever do an entire vehicle with it (I want to have an accompanying stormraven) so I'll have to figure out a scheme for that down the road.
Aurellian Vex Marcus Verenus - Guardian of the Lost

These shoulderpads are also quite a bit nicer than the originals in my opinion since they're bulkier and will also match my terminators well. I think on a regular sized dread they may be too large but they fit here. This was my first forgeworld kit and I'm quite impressed. We'll see what happens with the MKIV Ironclad I expect in the mail. Also I should point out that the autocannon on the right arm looks a bit less detailed and is not an original.
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