Dras-la - Kroot Counts-as

After serving four years as a Shas'La, a fire caste member takes his first Trial By Fire. If he survives, he is honoured by recieving crisis armour. However, with the increasing amount of conflict on the rim of the Empire, those who would not naturally survive the ordeal are now given medical attention to prevent their deaths. These tau are branded as Dras'La or "unworthy warriors" and given the task of reclaiming their honour. Deployed behind enemy lines weeks or months before a forseen conflict in little more than ceremonial armour and ramshackle outdated tau weaponry, these Dras'La are forced to fend for food and perfect their combat skills. Those who survive the months of harsh conditions begin to embrace their physical prowess and survival insticts making them far more adept at jungle warfare than their bretheren, ready to strike at the command of their Cadre in hopes of surviving battle and earning a second chance to undergo the Trial.
