As a veteran of many conflicts Corporal Lampoon found himself in command of his platoon following the untimely death of his platoon leader. Lampoon quickly slew the three gaunts that managed to close on their position with a fury that inspired the surrounding men. Despite this, when the men looked to him for orders he simply froze. Years of following the orders of others while in the personal retinue of his platoon commander had turned him into a man of action; not a chieftan to direct others. Unable to direct the remaining men, the platoon fell into disaray and was quickly overwhelmed. Though the war was not lost, how Lampoon managed to survive this encounter is not known.
Shamed by his actions (though tale of it never did reach high command) the corporal resigned to play a more solitary role on the battlefield in an attempt to attone for his failure without the weight of others' lives on his shoulders. With the ever constant guilt of his former platoon's death haunting him, Lampoon can be seen throwing himself into the most dire of situations in an attempt to turn the tide of battle. Be it eliminating the leader of an enemy warhost, scattering elite troops or destroying key armour, Lampoon appears from the shadows only to draw the attention of entire enemy regiments. How he survives the greivous wounds he inevitably suffers in the aftermath is anyone's guess.

cool man. I like a different take on marbo
Santa Cruz Warhammer